Catechism introduction set

Bayard Philippines
₱300.00 ₱400.00
This set of 5 titles is made to introduce the faith to young learners.
Each title has been selected to create a mini catechical program that looks like a syllabus of church topics.
Bayard Philippines is happy to provide a short instructive video as well animated by Brother Bayard to give you teaching tips and guides on how use each of those stickers’ booklets
- Welcome! You Belong
Read this resource and discover how parish life is important in building a community of faith and to know more about the structure of Catholic Church. Use them in explaining basic concepts in liturgy and community prayer.
- Praying the Mass
Teach your children and students the responses of the Mass as well as the importance of the Word of God. Make your children participate in the Mass by knowing the responses and readings in Church.
Use this resource to gain deeper understanding of the mass by making children memorize basic responses and prayers like the Creed and other basic prayers.
- Praying the Rosary
Teach your children and students develop a deeper devotion to the Blessed Mother through praying the Rosary. Highlight some biblical stories like Jesus' birth in the joyful mysteries, including his passion and death, as part of sorrowful mysteries.
Use this resource to develop reflective and meditative prayer of the life of Christ and his Mother.
- What Do I See in Church?
Teach your children and students the names of things or objects that they see in the church. Why do we make the sign of the cross in front of the tabernacle? Why does the priest use incense in the Mass? Why is the name table where the priest celebrates the Mass?
Use this resource to develop familiarization of sacred objects used in the Mass and tools for prayers inside the church.
- Learning about the Sacraments
Teach your children and students the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. Explain to them also why the sacraments are symbols of God's love for the Church.
Use this resource to encourage them to go to the Sacrament of Confession and the Mass, as well as know the importance of the sacraments in their lives.