By Rosanna Aures
This coming Sunday, we will celebrate the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus, King of the Universe. This is more popularly known as Christ the King Sunday. Christ the King invites us to contemplate the sovereignty of Jesus, not as a ruler of temporal power but as the King of hearts, justice, and eternal truth.
Jesus’ kingship is different from world kings and emperors. He reigns from the Cross, his crown made of thorns, and his throne an instrument of suffering. Yet, it is precisely in this moment of apparent defeat that his kingship is revealed in its fullness. Christ’s kingship is not about domination but about service; it is not about wealth or military might but about self-giving love that transforms the world.
In our lives, this feast encourages us to ask: Who or what truly governs us? Is it Christ, or are we ruled by lesser "kings" like pride, greed, or fear? To enthrone Christ in our hearts means surrendering our will to his, trusting in his guidance, and allowing his example to shape our actions. Do we allow Jesus to reign in our hearts and lives?
May this feast of Christ the King remind of God’s power in our lives, his power to change hardened hearts and conversion of souls.