Living with Christ- DECEMBER ISSUE 2022

Bayard Philippines
Let us prepare our hearts to receive Jesus, our savior and newborn King!
This December, we will discover the real significance of the birth of Christ. Get a sight of what awaits you in our December Issue.
Let us recall our memories of "Parol Making" with our family and friends, as we take a look at our Christmas cover, valuing also our Parol makers who continue to give color and light in this season through their passion and hard work.
As we continue to walk with you this Christmas season, we are delighted to share the Simbang Gabi reflections of Ms. Pinky Valdes, so as to help us in understanding more the preparation we are doing for the coming of our savior.
In Ms. Pinky Valdes' reflections, we will be able to honor all the significant persons in the story of Christ, especially His Mother and father, Joseph. We will begin to trust more in the Lord and to obey His will. In this special celebration, we will come to realize that "We were made from Love and our meaning is to become Love in Jesus Christ."
In Praying with the Scriptures, Fr. Jose Allan Diaz reminds us that Christmas is more than receiving gifts. He emphasizes that this season gives us a special opportunity to become the blessing itself.
May we become somebody's blessing this Christmas!