Living with Christ- MARCH ISSUE 2023

Bayard Philippines
May we encounter Christ this Lent!
We are all sinners but that does not change the fact that Christ continues to meet us even in our sinfulness. May we be inspired by the illustration made by Bro. Blair Nuyda for this month’s cover, depicting the scene of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob.
The cover likewise reminds us of God's abundant mercy and compassion which we are invited to receive this Lenten season. Let us not hesitate to say sorry to Him and to the people we've hurt.
In this Lenten journey, Fr. Alex Castro reminds us to check ourselves within, that we may recognize the spiritual “worms” in us that hinders our spiritual growth.
Fr. Jose Allan Diaz assures us of the power of God, that we may ponder on His faithfulness despite all the challenges that we are facing and to continue to trust in His ways, in His time, as we wait for our questions to be answered.
From the Millennials’ point of view, Ms. Angela Palen shares to us that having a strong will to please God and desiring to inspire others while we are still hurting, can also lead us to be deeply connected to Him this Lent.
Together, let us glorify our ever-loving Lord, Jesus Christ!