Living with Christ- MAY ISSUE 2024

Bayard Philippines
Let us receive the unending love of God for us!
This month, Living with Christ encourages us to take a closer look at every child around us and to welcome them with open arms, just like how Pope Francis embraced children with joy, shown in our front cover.
Fr. Jay Lituañas and Fr. Aron Gantioque invite us to celebrate the First World Children’s Day, to realize how God values His children, leading us to how they authentically live life – with simplicity and humility. May we also desire to have a childlike faith, fully trusting in God’s grace and mercy.
In Praying with the Scriptures, Fr. Jose Allan Diaz reveals to us the transformative power of Christ’s resurrection, which offers us true peace, love and forgiveness through His Holy Spirit.
In Young Disciples, Maria Bettina Doran inspires us with her experience of sharing Christ’s love and kindness to everyone.
May we forever abide in the Risen Christ!