Pentecost Set 2022

Bayard Philippines
The complete set includes :
- Miracles of Jesus
We talk about miracles all the time: “It will be a miracle if we win this game.” Or, “I got an A on that test—what a miracle!” Sure, those could be miracles, but Jesus performed true miracles. He healed the sick, calmed storms and even brought the dead to life. Why did he do this? One word: Love. Learn more about Jesus’ miracles and God’s love for you in this little booklet!
- Works of Mercy
Do you like action movies? Would you rather move around, jump and play instead of sitting around? If so, the you’re going to like learning about the Works of Mercy. They’re all about action! They’re ways to make your faith something you do. Most of all, the Works of Mercy are ways you can show Jesus how much you love him. This little booklet is packed with fun activities, stickers, ideas and tips to help you learn about the Works of Mercy and put them into action! Learn how you can feed the hungry, clothe the poor, shelter the homeless, teach about God’s love, and much more!
- Praying the Mass
The Mass is a very important celebration because it is a memorial of Jesus’ saving death and glorious resurrection. It is a moment you share with your family and members of your parish. In this interactive booklet, you’ll learn the many parts of the Mass – prayers, responses, gestures and songs – that together form the source of our Christian life and its highest expression. Plus, there are colorful stickers to help you become an expert in the Order of the Mass!
- Receive the Lord
Children will love this engaging, colorful, educational and age-appropriate resource designed to help them to prepare for their First Communion! Activities and stickers keep the children interested while they learn about the meaning of the sacrament in a child-friendly format that introduces them to the symbols surrounding their First Communion and explains their meanings. As children prepare to “Receive the Lord,” this one-of-a-kind resource will gently guide them to a better understanding of the mystery and blessing of the Eucharist so that they can better appreciate it when their once-in-a-lifetime day arrives!
- Welcome! You belong
This colorful sticker booklet is a wonderful way to invite children to learn about the sights and celebrations that are seen in the Catholic Church where we are blessed to share Jesus’ welcoming words, “Let the children come to me...for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” A great handout for parish visitors and guests ages 5-10.