Living with Christ- JUNE ISSUE 2024

Let us experience the real presence of God in our lives!
This June, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, which
reminds us of His love for us and His desire to be in communion with us.
On the front cover of Living with Christ, couples are inspired to be in communion with
the Lord through the Sacrament of Marriage, allowing Him to be at the center of their
Fr. James Gascon, SJ, encourages us to live out our faith especially in the ordinariness
of family life, to see and feel Jesus Christ among us and to have a heart that is full of
In Our Local Church, Mr. Andres Mejia reminds us of the grace that is available for
everyone. He reveals to us that despite our weaknesses or past mistakes, God
continues to reach us, to use us for His glory, for the benefit of all, just like Sts. Peter
and Paul.
May we be eager to receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.