Living with Christ- FEBRUARY ISSUE 2023

Bayard Philippines
Let us re-connect with Christ!
In line with the celebration of the World Day for Consecrated and Religious
Life, Living with Christ features the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM
Sisters) in this month’s front cover.
This February, we will celebrate events including the World Day of the Sick and Ash Wednesday.
For the World Day of the Sick, Fr. Alex Castro reveals to us the healing
power of faith and praying for our loved ones, our friends, and for every
person in need of it.
In Praying with Scriptures, Fr. Jose Allan Diaz stirs us to discover the real
reason behind our obedience to fast, abstain and give alms.
In this Month’s Scriptures, Mr. Oscar Federico shares with us his honest
experience on the Lenten practices- from dreading to walk with ashes on
the forehead to eventually being an instrument of evangelization.
Let us allow Christ to renew our lives as we enter the season of Lent!