Are we prepared for the coming of Christ?

Are we prepared for the coming of Christ?

By Randy Rances

This coming 22nd of the month is the fourth and last Sunday of Advent. Christmas is just behind our doorstep. But what spiritual preparations have we done so far, to welcome the birth of our Lord?

The Fourth Sunday of Advent brings us to the threshold of Christmas, a time filled with anticipation and joy as we prepare for the birth of Christ. The Gospel reading often focuses on Mary and Joseph, highlighting their roles in God’s plan for salvation. This Sunday invites us to meditate on themes of trust, obedience, and the profound mystery of Emmanuel—God with us.

Mary’s fiat, her wholehearted "yes" to God, is central to the Advent story. Despite her fears and uncertainties, Mary chooses to trust in God's plan. Her response reminds us of the power of surrendering to divine will, even when the path ahead seems unclear. In a world that often values control and certainty, Mary’s example challenges us to open our hearts to God’s transformative grace.

The promise of Emmanuel—God with us—forms the heart of this Sunday’s reflection. In Jesus, God steps into human history, embracing our joys and sorrows, our struggles and triumphs. This truth offers us hope and consolation: no matter our circumstances, we are never alone. The coming of Christ assures us that God is intimately present in our lives.

Come, let us prepare for the coming of Christ. As St. John the Baptist says, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths!”

Photo credit: Fr. Treb Futol

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