By Reginald Falcotelo
Christ is the vine, we are his branches. This Sunday’s gospel gives us a view of our relationship with God. Jesus is not only the vine, he is the true vine- our source of life and peace. Our spiritual vitality, growth, and productivity are dependent on our union with him.
However, despite knowing that He is the true vine, how many times have we cut him lose? How many times have we failed to become intimate with him so that we become dependent on him?
Jesus declares that those who abide in him will bear much fruit, highlighting the transformative power of a life surrendered to Christ. This fruitfulness encompasses both personal character growth, as well as the outward expression of that growth in acts of love, service, and witness to others. He, therefore, gives us the clue that if we want to bear fruit, we must remain in him.
Let us, therefore, remain in him by suffering with him, by being patient with him. Amen.