By Fr. Bernard Holzer, aa
The first candle of the Advent wreath is the candle of HOPE. HOPE is one of the virtues to be cultivated during this time of preparation for Christmas, for the coming of God in us and in our midst.
While the bad news rains down: persecutions, conflicts, natural disasters, injustice, corruption, theft... not to mention our weaknesses, our sins... and those of others whom we see so easily... Let us ask for the virtue of HOPE. Let us accept to entrust ourselves and events to God.
This is a training, a change of perspective, a conversion. Let us ask God for this grace of HOPE for ourselves and for our rulers.
“It can happen that the anxiety, fears and worries about our personal lives or about what is happening in the world today weigh down on us like boulders and throw us into discouragement. If worries weigh down our hearts and induce us to close in on ourselves, Jesus, on the contrary, invites us to lift up our heads, to trust in His love that wants to save us and that draws close to us in every situation of our existence, He asks us to make room for Him in order to find hope again.” – Pope Francis, Angelus on Sunday December 1, 2024