By Father Bernard Holzer, aa
Last Monday, January 10, during the traditional ceremony of greetings addressed to the ambassadors of 183 states accredited by the Holy See, Pope Francis drew up a vast state of the world. He shared with them his concerns of the world. Among them: vaccines, migrants, and the possession of weapons. He urged them vigorously to act in the critical context of the pandemic and called them to dialogue and fraternity.
Through these ambassadors who represent us, Pope Francis also extends his personal wishes to us:
“The prophet Jeremiah tells us that God has “plans for [our] welfare and not for evil, to give [us] a future and a hope” (29:11). We should be unafraid, then, to make room for peace in our lives by cultivating dialogue and fraternity among one another. The gift of peace is “contagious”; it radiates from the hearts of those who long for it and aspire to share it, and spreads throughout the whole world. To each of you, your families and the peoples you represent, I renew my blessing and offer my heartfelt good wishes for a year of serenity and peace.”
In this time of electoral campaign, let us meditate on Pope Francis' address to the nations, which we can find on the website of the Holy See.
He is giving us some criteria of discernment for good governance and for a wise vote.
To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See