Offering one’s life to Christ

Offering one’s life to Christ

By Mel Jasmin

On May 21, the whole Church celebrates the feast of Saint Christopher Magallanes and his companions.

Like the Jesuit Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, Saint Christopher and his 24 companion martyrs lived under a very anti-Catholic government in Mexico, one determined to weaken the Catholic faith of its people. Churches, schools, and seminaries were closed; foreign clergy were expelled. Christopher established a clandestine seminary at Totatiche, Jalisco. He and the other priests were forced to minister secretly to Catholics during the presidency of Plutarco Calles.

Every martyr realizes how to avoid execution, but refuses to pay the high price of doing so. A clear conscience was more valuable than a long life. We may be tempted to compromise our faith while telling ourselves that we are simply being realistic, dealing with situations as we find them. Is survival really the ultimate value? Do our concrete, daily choices reflect our deepest values, the ones that allow us to “tick” the way we do? Anyone can imagine situations in which being a follower of Jesus is easier than the present situation. Saints remind us that our daily choices, especially in adverse circumstances, form the pattern of our lives.

We hope there would be as many brave believers who are willing to offer their life of love and faith to Christ. Saint Christopher Magallanes and companions, pray for us!

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