Passion Sunday

Passion Sunday

By Rems Noquiao

Next Sunday, we mark the beginning of the Holy Week Season. Jesus’ entry in to Jerusalem begins on a huge wave of optimism, joy and hope. The people line the streets; they wave palms, they put their cloaks and garments on the ground and they shout out his name. This was an ancient Roman tradition used to welcome soldiers and armies home after their success in battle. The crowd welcome Jesus in a similar way as they shout out, Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Yet, how quickly the crowd changed and turned on Jesus. The same people who were happy to welcome him with shouts of joy, will soon begin to shout ‘Crucify him, Crucify him.’ Jesus is even betrayed and denied by his closet friends. The rest of them run and desert him. He is left alone.

In our life, we are confronted by the same reality. How many of us have experienced being glorified? How many were left alone? Before we were confronted by these trials, Jesus experienced betrayal to the highest level. He was not only betrayed by his friends, he was left behind, he was crucified without any sin. But death is not the end. Palm Sunday is just the beginning of the celebration and leads us to Easter, Jesus’ resurrection!

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