By Father Bernard Holzer, aa
Are you following Pope Francis' apostolic journey to Asia and Oceania? What beautiful images, stories of encounters, testimonies and encouragement!
When I read Pope Francis' speech on the esplanade in front of the Holy Cross Cathedral in Vanimo in Papua New Guinea, last Sunday, I thought of the Philippines.
Change the name of the country, replace Papua New Guinea with the Philippines, and you will read a beautiful encouragement to live as a Christian here in our beautiful country:
“Dear friends, after visiting your country, many tourists return home saying they have seen ‘paradise’. They usually refer to the natural beauty they enjoyed. We know, however, that this is not the greatest treasure. There is a more beautiful and fascinating treasure that is found in your hearts and that manifests itself in the charity with which you love each other.
The most precious gift you can share with everyone is to make Papua New Guinea famous not only for its variety of plant and animal life, its enchanting beaches and clear sea, but famous above all for the good people you meet here. I say this especially to you, children, with your contagious smiles and your exuberant joy, which spreads out in every direction. You are the most beautiful image that visitors can take with them and keep in their hearts!
I encourage you, then, to continue to beautify this happy land with your presence as a loving Church.”
May the Lord bless us for being his collaborators and friends.