God created us without us but he does not save us with-out us. This means that God made us without asking for any consent from us but he does not save us without our own cooperation. So, when the Son of God can come to live among us as man, God had to get the concurrence of the two persons who would take care of him – Mary and Joseph. He had to send his angel to explain to these two persons their mission. We hear today the annunciation to Joseph. In spite of his doubts, once enlightened Joseph promptly and willingly gave his YES. Then the prophecy of Isaiah of the coming of the Emmanuel came to fulfillment. Joseph is of the tribe of David who is a descendant of Judah. The baby that he would adapt as his own, Jesus, is the king announced by the prophet Jeremiah who would rule with Justice and who would bring together the scattered children Israel. This also is one of the joys that Christmas brings, the coming together of families, although this is now hindered by the Covid situation. So, the longing to be brought together by the Lord Jesus.