As soon as Mary enters the house of Elizabeth and Zechariah she offers a greeting and immediately Elizabeth’s child jumps in her womb. Elizabeth praises Mary not so much for herself, but for the child she is carrying. She recognizes Mary as the mother of the Lord. Elizabeth continues on to praise Mary for her belief that what Gabriel told her actually come true. Faith is important in bringing about the incarnation of the Son of God. Both of the women, but especially Mary are portrayed as pillars of faith. They are for the most part just ordinary women who have responded to God’s call in extraordinary ways. They are examples and models of what authentic Christian faith is. It is not power, knowledge, fame, or wealth that makes these women great. They are great because of their radical faith that God will keep the promises made to them.
Do you believe that God will do the same for you as a sign of salvation all the more burns in our hearts?