By Jen Avisado
On May 21, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord.
In the First Reading on Sunday, the Acts of the Apostles talks about Jesus’ earthly mission and ministry. From the healer of the physical body, Jesus is also the healer of souls. He did not only feed the hungry and raised the dead, He also forgave sins and brought men closer to God.
The First Reading tells us that we will all be baptized with the Holy Spirit while in the Gospel, Jesus tells us that are to be his witnesses in His resurrection. He also promised that those who are his disciples and witnesses will be clothed with the Holy Spirit. He knows that they will need help encouragement and strength for the task that lies ahead of them. This promise points and leads us directly to Pentecost which we celebrate next Sunday. Jesus knows that these men and woman will need all the help they can get as they spread the good news of his resurrection.
Is following Christ difficult? Is it easier to do bad things than to do good things? Is it easier to be just than to be corrupt? Jesus tells us to carry on. Let us be witnesses of the Gospel in the family and in the workplace. Let us light the lamp of hope instead of cursing the darkness. Let us not be afraid for we are clothed with the Holy Spirit. ‘God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit,” St. Paul tells us.