By Father Bernard Holzer, aa
In his closing address in the “Bahrain Forum for Dialogue: East and West for Human Coexistence" (November 4, 2022) in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Pope Francis gave us some orientations on how to build peace in our daily life pursuing a single path of fraternity, dialogue and peace.
Let us open your hearts to your brothers and sisters.
Let us press forward on the journey towards greater knowledge and understanding of one another.
Let us strengthen the bonds between us, without duplicity or fear, in the name of the Creator who has put us together in this world as guardians of our brothers and sisters.
Let us show that another path of encounter is possible, not based on interests, money and power plays.
Let us encounter one another for the sake of humanity and in the name of the One who loves humanity, the One whose name is peace.
Let us promote concrete initiatives to ensure that the journey of the great religions will be ever more effective and ongoing, a conscience of peace for our world!
Let us oppose the race to rearmament, to the commerce of war, to the market of death. Do not support “alliances against some”, but means of encounter with all.
The call is clear: what can I do to be peacemakers?
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)