By Father Bernard Holzer, aa
On November 24, 2013, Pope Francis wrote his first-ever apostolic exhortation entitled "Evangelii Gaudium" or "The Joy of the Gospel”.
He asked the whole Church to remain in a permanent state of mission, to decenter itself in order to rediscover the "original freshness of the Gospel." He also asked God's people to pay special attention to the poorest among us.
Ten years later, Pope Francis calls us to broaden our horizon and to open our ears to the cries of other peoples:
"Ten years after the publication of Evangelii Gaudium, let us reaffirm that it is only by listening to the often silent cry of the earth and of the poor that we will be able to fulfill our mission of evangelization, to live the life that Jesus proposes to us and to contribute to solving the serious problems of humanity."
What a meaningful program for our Advent, to prepare for Christmas, the feast of God made man, one of us!