On Monday, we have celebrated the memory of the "good" Pope John XXIII, proclaimed a saint by Pope Francis in 2014. He was the one who convened the Second Vatican Council, a true spring for the Church. In 2020, Pope Francis also beatified Carlo Acutis, a young computer enthusiast.
These two saints are like a chain that leads us to the Synod on Synodality, what Pope Francis has just launched. He invites all Christians to listen to the "signs of the times" as the Council was able to do. But this listening will not only be the work and the duty of the bishops, but of all Christians, of the faithful of other religions, and of all women and men of good will.
Pope Francis sends us a questionnaire-guide of ten themes to begin to dialogue, to listen, to dream, to make proposals for a new spring for the Church and the world.
Let's go online, download this questionnaire, and engage in this reflection to make the world more human. Let us not forget to reread "Gaudium et Spes", one of the central documents of the Second Vatican Council and "Fratelli Tutti", the last encyclical of Pope Francis. These are stimulating documents that allow us to discover God in our brothers and sisters.