By Tony Morales
On Sunday, we will already celebrate the birth of our Lord. Every Christmas, we have the beautiful tradition of giving gifts. But why do we give gifts at Christmas? Christmas is a traditional time for giving presents. There are personal reasons behind why people give Christmas presents. The motivations vary by the individual, but there are some common themes.
The nativity story has a significant influence on the tradition of Christmas gift-giving. We cite the Three Wise Men, or Magi, as the Biblical context for giving presents during the Christmas season. The Magi brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to Baby Jesus in the manger.
These precious items showed the respect and reverence the Wise Men had for the Son of God. Christians likewise bestow presents on family members, friends and the needy as a way of remembering the Three Wise Men honoring of the Christ Child. A modern interpretation of the custom is the recognition that Christmas is Jesus' birthday. Since giving material birthday presents to Him is not possible, instead people give gifts to each other in celebration of the day.
Christmas presents are a time to surprise and delight those we love. People enjoy finding that perfect gift. Once wrapped and delivered, the giver watches the recipient's happy face as he or she unwraps it. So, what are you waiting for? Let us share something with one another this Christmas season. Merry Christmas!