From September 1 to 4, Pope Francis visited Mongolia to encourage the country's small Catholic community- less than 1,400 faithful and only one Bishop for 3.3 million inhabitants- a Church in the peripheries of the world.
For us who live in the Philippines, a Catholic country, his message allows us to go deeper in our mission beyond the difficulties we may encounter that can sometimes discourage us.
"Smallness is not a problem, but an asset, Pope Francis said. Yes, God loves smallness and loves to accomplish great things through smallness,” he added.
In this Church founded on charity, the first missionaries cared for orphans, the sick and opened homes for the disabled. Catholicism develops there by adopting "the style of service that Jesus taught us," Pope Francis said.
And he encouraged this little flock, as he also encourages us: "Stay in touch with the face of Christ, scrutinizing him in the Scriptures and contemplating him in a silence of adoration before the tabernacle, you will recognize him in the faces of those you serve."
May we ask for this grace.