Let us rediscover and prepare for a different Christmas!

Let us rediscover and prepare for a different Christmas!

By Fr. Bernard Holzer, aa 


Since September, we can hear Christmas’ songs on the radio, TV, the internet, in the jeepneys, in the malls and in the banks… But let us prepare our hearts to welcome the Good News of Christmas: it’s about the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!

As Pope Francis explained last Saturday, during the blessing of a nativity scene handmade by 30 artisan craftsmen in Guatemala: “the nativity scene tells of the birth of the Son of God who became man to be close to each of us. In its genuine poverty, the nativity scene helps us to rediscover the true richness of Christmas.”

“Simple and familiar, the nativity scene recalls a different Christmas from the consumerist and commercial one. … It reminds us how good it is for us to cherish moments of silence and prayer in our days, which are often overwhelmed by frenzy.”

Pope Francis, thus, recommended silent prayer and contemplation of the Christ Child in a nativity scene as an intimate experience of God’s humility and tenderness.

“And if we really want to celebrate Christmas, let us rediscover through the nativity scene the surprise and wonder of littleness, the littleness of God, who made himself small, who was not born in the splendor of appearance, but in the poverty of a stable.”

Let’s us rediscover and prepare for this real Christmas! There will be joy and happiness!

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