By Tony Morales
The Gospel for the incoming Second Sunday of Advent is about John the Baptist, repentance, and preparing the way for the coming King. John’s baptism was for repentance. Repentance is from the Greek word metanoia which literally means to change one’s mind, to change one’s direction.
This repentance literally means to be open minded, and not to be close minded to what God is going to do. He is doing a new thing beyond the ordinary, and outside our expectations. John’s purpose is to prepare the way of the Messiah, and get the people ready for his coming so they don’t miss it.
God would at last come back, bringing comfort and rescue. Yes, John is saying; that’s what’s happening now. It’s time to get ready! The king, God himself, is coming back! Get ready for God’s kingdom! And John’s striking message made everyone sit up and take notice. In today’s language, they saw the blue flashing lights, and stopped what they were doing to get ready…Real repentance meant a complete and lasting change of heart and life. That was the only way to get the road ready for the coming king.
So, during Advent, we wait for God’s coming, we need to be awake, and prepared. The King is coming. John’s words were prophetic since he brought words of correction. No one likes being called out, yet if we don’t wake up, we will miss God’s appearance and what he has for us.