By Ada Escopete
Are you ready for the Misa de Gallo or Simbang Gabi? As we go through this nine days novena Mass let us try to prepare ourselves to be worthy to the coming birth of our savior. This we could do best by having an interior renewal of ourselves, by reconciling with our enemies. And by not focusing on the material side of Christmas focusing rather on the true essence of Christmas which is the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.
Have you testified for Jesus by the way you talk and live? Have you humbly called for repentance and renewal? John humbly did all of these noble things, he was sent by God to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. Have you done something also to prepare the way for the coming birth of Jesus?
For example, if you’re a parent, have you taught your children that the true essence of Christmas is not the material gifts that they would be receiving not either the appearance of Santa Clause? Have you pointed out to your children that the essence of Christmas is about Jesus our savior?
Slowly but surely the true meaning of Christmas is being overpowered already by materialism and commercialism. In our own little way, we could be like John also if we would try to highlight the true reason for this Christmas season no other than the birth of Jesus.