By Mel Jasmin
On April 2, the Universal Church celebrates the feast of the second Filipino saint and martyr, Saint Pedro Calungsod, an altar boy and a companion of Jesuit missionary Padre Diego Luis de San Vitores, when the latter went to Guam to spread the Catholic faith. There were only a few accounts on San Pedro Calungsod, for who would have thought that a simple altar boy, and an indio at that, embody the teachings of Christ, deserving him a place in the annals of the Saints.
Pedro Calungsod is a good example for every Christian youth. He lived a life of holiness and purity. He showed fear and love of the Lord and also Christ-centeredness. At a young age, he already knew how to control himself and to be a good Christian for the love of God. Nowadays, teenagers are wild, uncontrollable and happy go lucky. They do not mind “sin”. The story of Pedro Calungsod would inspire a number of youth to strive to live a pure life. After learning more about Pedro Calungsod’s life, I became more mindful of my doings.
May we be inspired Saint Pedro Calungsod by choosing the path of faith instead of riches. He has chosen mission instead of remaining in the comforts of his home. Saint Pedro Calungsod, inspire us to be modern day missionaries of faith. Pray for us!