By Mel Jasmin
On March 25, the universal Church celebrates the Feast of the Our Lady’s Annunciation. On this occasion, we commemorate the announcement of the Angel Gabriel about Jesus’ incarnation to a humble woman named Mary.
In the middle of the Lenten season, we arrive at this special feast day. In the first chapter of Luke’s gospel, the angel Gabriel appearing to the young virgin, Mary to announce that she will bear a son conceived by the Holy Spirit to be named Jesus who will be called Son of the Most High.
We are so familiar with this story that perhaps we fail to grasp what truly has taken place. Mary is the first among all human beings to hear of God’s decision to come and dwell among us as one like us. She is greatly troubled by the angel’s greeting but is told not to be afraid. Before the angel’s departure she moves from fear to acceptance of God’s Word. God’s Word has been spoken and is now within her womb. How wondrous a moment for her and for all humanity. For, on behalf of all of us, Mary, who has found favor with God, welcomes with faith God incarnate into the world.
The Annunciation, the first of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, should indeed call us to rejoice. For now, in a world beset by a pandemic, we too might be afraid. We must hear the voice, not of an angel, but of the Lord himself who continually calls his disciples to not be afraid because he would always be with them- the Son of God.
Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus!