By Father Bernard Holzer, aa
On May 1st, Pope Francis inaugurated a “Marathon of Prayer” for an end to the Covid-19 pandemic.
In communion with the 30 sanctuaries in the world associated to his initiative, let us pray every day with him:
"O Mary, Comforter of the afflicted, embraces all your children in tribulation and obtain from God to intervene with his all-powerful hand to free us from this terrible pandemic, so that life may resume in serenity its normal course."
“Most loving Mother, grant that the sense of belonging to one great family, in the awareness of the bond that unites us all, might grow in the world; so that, with a spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we might come to the aid of the many people who are poor and the many situations of misery. Encourage firmness in faith, perseverance in service, constancy in prayer.”
“Hail Mary, full of grace…”
And let us continue the marathon of the community pantries to help the poor and to be for them a sign of God’s care: « Give what you can, take what you need. »