God's Word and Daily Life



by Fr. Bernard Holzer, aa


To prepare for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, let us recite her own prayer, the Magnificat.


My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,

my spirit rejoices in God my Savior

for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.

From this day all generations will call me blessed:

the Almighty has done great things for me,

and holy is his Name.


O Lord, I thank you for all your blessings to me, my family and relatives, and friends

(Let us say their names and the blessings we have received…)

I thank you Lord for your creation, for your bounty, for your goodness and compassion…


He has mercy on those who fear him

in every generation.

He has shown the strength of his arm,

he has scattered the proud in their conceit.


O Lord, I thank you for your saints, your martyrs, your witnesses,

for Pope Francis, our Bishops, the frontliners, the public servants…

for all those who work for the common good.

(Let us say their names)


He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,

and has lifted up the lowly.

He has filled the hungry with good things,

and the rich he has sent away empty.


O Lord, I thank you for all those who commit themselves with mercy and compassion for the poor, the disadvantaged and the most vulnerable of our society.

(Let us say their names)

Give us the grace to become peace makers and to stand up when the values of your Kingdom are trampled down.


He has come to the help of his servant Israel

for he remembered his promise of mercy,

the promise he made to our fathers,

to Abraham and his children forever.


O Lord, I thank you for your fidelity, your mercy and compassion, for your forgiveness and your promises.

I entrust to you all our departed loved ones. May they rejoice with you and the saints forever, according to your promise.



We're in Jesus' hands! Let us not exhaust ourselves to fight against an invisible enemy. Let us trust in God alone: “Rise, and do not be afraid… I am with you!” 

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Being Missionaries of Faith

Being Missionaries of Faith

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By Judith Ayo

Discipleship is the act of being a disciple. Biblically, a disciple is somebody who studies about Christ, a student who believes and follows the teachings of Christ. He has his mission and that is to continue and fulfill the Lord’s work by spreading the Good News, witnessing for Him, and recruiting other disciples in Jesus’ name.

Discipleship carries with it a sincere meaning of commitment for Christ’s mission of LOVE and TRUTH. Social standing does not matter for only a real love for Jesus and His people is required. Whether a person is rich or poor, young or old, he is called for this sacred task. And he can always avail of the many ways offered these days to enrich discipleship like holy retreats and recollections, bible study, liturgical celebrations and many more.

However, it is the VIRTUOUS man who is likely to be a true disciple; the man who answers the call of the times; the man who shares his resources to those in need; the man who teaches about the faith and serves in humility.

The present time and even in Christ’s time, the meaning of discipleship does not vary. The challenge is the same: to live Christ’s life and hope to reach its fullness when the time comes.

Coping with the New Normal

Coping with the New Normal


Jesus’ disciples gave up everything to follow Him because they believed that He was the Son of God–the Messiah–promised in the Old Testament. But when Jesus died, they were left in fear, despair, and disappointment: the one that they hoped would save them was crucified and had died. The disciples had to gather in secret within closed doors to pray. The looming fear of being arrested, tortured, killed by the Jews was the new normal for the disciples. However, Jesus did not abandon them; 50 days after Jesus died, He sent the disciples the Holy Spirit, which freed them from their fear of going out and enabled them to preach zealously in different languages. Their environment remained dangerous, but the disciples experienced a change within them that gave them the courage to follow Christ even after He had died.

I have also experienced the same emotions as Jesus’ disciples because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I have felt afraid of my loved ones getting sick, felt despair as I watched the number of cases and deaths increase, and felt disappointed that I could not spend my last few months of senior year with my classmates and friends at school. For a while, I was upset that this was the new normal. I was questioning God why all of this had to happen and why at a time when I was supposed to experience important events in my life such as my high school graduation and preparing for the start of my college life.

Ora et Labora, today’s way of life

Ora et Labora, today’s way of life

St. Benedict’s ideal is a balanced life of prayer and work - "Ora et Labora", fraternal charity, work and rest.

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Being Missionaries of Faith

Being Missionaries of Faith

Giving up something big, even life for the greater good and for somebody else is martyrdom. Everybody is called for this “self-sacrifice” attribute but people seldom answer.

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Remembering our fathers

Remembering our fathers

This coming Sunday is Fathers’ Day. Let us remember our Papa, Tatay, or Daddy this weekend by giving them a simple gift or message of thanks.

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Pandemic, a time for BECs

Pandemic, a time for BECs

Today’s blog entry of Fr. Bernard Holzer focuses on our ways of worship that have transformed from churches to within the family. The present pandemic has not stopped Filipino families in showing our devotion to God and to communciate with our loved ones.

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Frontliners – new heroes during this time of pandemic

Frontliners – new heroes during this time of pandemic

This month Living with Christ pays tribute to our new heroes. The Philippines will celebrate its Independence Day on June 12 but not all heroes fought with conquistadors. Many are still fighting the unseen enemy. Join us in prayer as we remember our frontliners- medical practitioners and government authorities, as they continue to fight with the pandemic.

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